In traditional belief and fiction, a ghost (sometimes known as a spectre (British English) or specter (American English), phantom,apparition or spook) is the soul or spirit of a dead person or animal that can appear, in visible form or other manifestation, to the living. 
Descriptions of the apparition of ghosts vary widely from an invisible presence to translucent or barely visible wispy shapes, to realistic, lifelike visions. The deliberate attempt to contact the spirit of a deceased person is known as necromancy, or in spiritism as a séance.
The belief in manifestations of the spirits of the dead is widespread, dating back to animism or ancestor worship in pre-literate cultures. 
Certain religious practices—funeral rites, exorcisms, and some practices of spiritualism and ritual magic—are specifically designed to rest the spirits of the dead. 

Ghosts are generally described as solitary essences that haunt particular locations, objects, or people they were associated with in life, though stories of phantom armies, ghost trainsphantom ships, and even ghost animals have also been recounted.

The Bible says that one third of the angels rebelled against God (see my page on Satan for more info). Satan (Lucifer) was the angel in charge of this rebellion. These angels were punished by being banished from heaven.Satan hates man. Man has a relationship with God that angels could never have. Man was made in the image and likeness of God. Satan is jealous of this and hates us for it. He wants to deceive human kind into rejecting God, so that man will share the same punishment that he is destined for.

Satan knows that one single lie wont be effective in deceiving everyone. So he came up with several. Some men would be deceived by Ghosts and reincarnation. Others would adopt an evolutionary philosophy, that the world created itself without God. Others would be deceived into believing in pagan gods, etc...

I believe (and the Bible says) that Satan sends fallen angels to earth to deceive us. Satan wants us to doubt the existence of God. He wants man to share in his punishment.

Part of this deception is the appearance of "ghosts". Satan wants man to believe that these are the spirits of people who have died. That they have overcome the chains of death and returned.This is opposite of what the Bible says happens when we die. By being presented with these spirits one tends to question if the Biblical destination after death is the correct one. Because if ghosts exist, then clearly heaven does not.

Ghosts are real. The following is condensed from my second book, Voyage Beyond Doubt 
"Several times a year I get calls from someone concerned about a ghostly presence they're aware of, usually in their home. Some callers are frantic, worried the ghost might do them harm. Others are more concerned for the welfare of a ghost. There are some simple things anyone can do to permanently move a ghost out of their house. 

Before getting to them, let's cover some basics and hopefully clear up a few misconceptions.First, the most important thing to know is that ghosts are just human beings not living in physical bodies. These are people just like you and me. 

Like people everywhere, ghosts can be friendly, scary, smart, stupid and everything in between, but they're just people.

Second, at its most basic, the reason you can be aware of a ghost is because its attention is focused at the level of physical world reality. There can be many reasons why ghosts do this. They may be unaware they're dead and staying close to familiar surroundings or people. 

They may be aware of their death, but confused about what they're supposed to do. Some ghosts may have a message they want to give someone still living in the physical world. 

There are lots of reasons why a ghost's attention may be focused at the level of physical world reality, but that focus of attention is what brings them to your awareness and keeps them here.
Third, you have nothing to fear from a ghost. Despite what Hollywood horror films would have us believe, such a person is not a threat to you. Projecting your own fear onto a ghost can certainly appear to give evidence to the contrary. Too many people I work with bought into Hollywood's fear-inducing images, and are scared out of their wits, thus adding to their problem.



If you define a 'ghost' as some sort of spirit then there is no way to know if they exist or not. If you mean a 'ghost' as in some kind of thing people claim to be haunting a house or something, they do not exist.

You see, in order for our senses to react to something it has to be physical. In order for our eyes to see something it has to be refracting light. Light is matter. It can only bounce of something physical. In order for our ears to hear something, it has to case the air to vibrate. Air molecules are matter and can only vibrate if something physical vibrates them. 

I am not saying that people who claim to have seen or heard a ghost did not see or hear something. But whatever that something is was of the physical realm not the spiritual realm

·  Lucky L
Those of you who don't believe in ghost, think again! There are things in life we don't see but it doesn't mean they are not there. Do we see air? no, but we believe there's air! human beings may be the most inteligent beings in the universe. we have advanced in technology but there are always things we haven't discovered yet. Humans beings are very inteligent but we don't know everything yet and that's why we always study and research so that we have what we have today. Who knows that in the near future we can cure our own deseases, we can transport by flying our own little devices without the need of a car! Or we explore other planets that we never dream that we can ever reach. Ghost is something that humans can't explain scientifically. people don't know exactly and therefore skeptical and unsure what it is. unfortunately not everyone can see ghost and that's why some believe and some don't. I have seen a few times. I try to tell myself not to believe but nothing scientifically proves that I was wrong so I can't help myself for not believing in it. ghost is too general. we all think ghost is like it has to be someone scary. But no. it comes in many different forms!
o    5 years ago
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·  ?
no.....! they dnt exist

this all ghost kind of stuff is just a mind play

if you keep in your mind that ghosts exist you will find extraordinary things everywhere...
its just a world-wide fake bussiness which we see on the internet freaky spooky videos
they are just in our mind.... if you see in your house you can see faces on different things if you concentrate a bit you may take as if its a ghost but they are shapes just its all fakeeeeeeee!

o    5 years ago
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I must say it is hard to tell . But in my sleep I have experienced a feeling like a ghost travelling through me . It feels tingleing and shocking . I do not think it is a ghost though . Even if they were real you could not see them ....... or could you ? Click on this link to see pics of ghosts .
Hope this helped .
o    5 years ago
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i believe ive seen a ghost. first time it happened was when me and my sister were in the same bedroom and i woke up one night for no reason, i looked towards the doorway and seen a woman. she ws all completely white, she had long wavey hair and was slim build. you couldnt see any features or details. she just stood there for about 20 seconds then walked away down the hall.

the second time me and my mate were playing in the caravan out the back yard and we both saw a white hand up against one of the windows. it was the same white, as the first ghost. we were so freaked out to even leave the caravan but eventually ran to the house.

my sister had her bfs mum do a thing to see if we had ghosts round our house and she said we did. so i beleive i seen ghosts and i always will no matter what people say i no what i saw.
o    5 years ago
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·  Me rocks
They aren't real. But u will see one if u keep thinking about it coz the mind will play games with you. Eg. when u r sleeping & suddenly get up & u imagine that u heard a sound & get up 2 see what it is & suddenly see a shadow & u might think it is a ghost. For all u know that might hav been just a trick of the light. Its ur mind's hallucination that shows u ghosts. they aren't real.
o    5 years ago
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this might be okward & hard to believe in...

one night i was sleeping then i've sense someone near me

i woke up & no one was there 

then i swere i closed the window

but it was open
so i looked outside & saw a man walking towards a woman
then they vanished

then the nxt day i saw them on an abandoned room in our school (i was tasked to clean it up)

o    5 years ago
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·  Debaj
Hello, I m Debas, I thougt that there is no thing like ghost.its only a erore state of mind. when a people is so depresed & very lonly, how have no responce and help from others, then such peoples mind thought about spiritual characters like ghosts.I strongly said that ghosts are not exist.

Regards. . . .

o    5 years ago
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·  namrata
well...ghosts or spirit r real...but they r not actually ghosts like n movies...they r shadows...but they do exist...well speaking of my experiance....wen i did blankchit which is summoning of ghost with my fren who stays n my neighbourhood...for few days we used to hear each other calling but no one did was not an imagination bcoz even my dad heard her voice when she actually wasnt there at home........well may b they exist...i believe n spirits..yes
o    5 years ago
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yaaa.............See it when i was in my hostal..It was around 11:30 o'clock at night.. i saw a lady wearing White grown at the 6 floor... She was a beautiful lady but when i saw her leg i fainted because there was........... no leg. I rushed to my room and shout "BHOOT BHOOT" and then My room mate give me a slap .. and i wake UP.... he he he....Sooooo dear.... I dont think that there are any real ghost..It all your imagination.
o    5 years ago
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Hi , this is jeetu.
How r u
I dont know ghost are real or it is only mith.
But I want to tell my opinion that ghost are only our creations. we make ghost.
it is our thinking.
If we thought that ghost are real then they real .& vise versa.
My thinking
o    5 years ago
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ghosts are only conceptual
Earlier when any disease would happen they called it the causative agents as ghosts and nothing else..
o    5 years ago
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No one knows for sure if its one way or another. People only have opinions about such things.

I have had "incidents" but who knows.
o    5 years ago
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·  *****
Ask the Himachali people. They will tell u.
In my view, The ghosts exist but i've never had such experience coz i believe in GOD.
o    5 years ago
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·  Mirage
I dont think so. Most ghost sightings are hallucinations
o    5 years ago
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·  kanna
is ghost are real? - are ghosts real.
are they exist? - do they exist?
..about ghost.. - about ghosts


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