Like i always say, There all around us. Are superior race that genetically engineered us a few thousend years back. Including other race's on other planets and plaine's like ares.

I always say that there aircraft can travel to are planet like its 1 mile in a car on a highway. Thats because there simply superior and have been here longer and understand the way everything works. 

But in time we will live amongst them (We already are. But many more) We will live amongst them, Barter/Trade technology and are personal knowledge of are Race = Human ofcourse.

Humans are Aliens also, We are an offspring. A big bang diddnt cause us to exist also Adam and Eve were not real. It is simply a mythic story.

In Sumerian history there are tablets and Manuscript on walls explaining how human's would live amongst there "Gods" They diddnt have much knowledge and humans were alot more simple when they were a newborn offspring.

They werent Gods, They were proberbly just soldiers from another Race that was making sure we would start off alright on this planet. They obviously went through the decision of "Should we live amongst them or should we let them learn the way other Races have in the same way." So they made there choice. Then man came along and made religion and feared people into it. Iff you would decline the religion you would be killed.

After generations of people being slaughtered (Non-Beleivers) Eventually people were so Brainwashed into acually thinking it was real, 

Then we have the Dark age's of seperate countrys on Crusades and wars with "Unholy countrys and Kings" The catholic church owned alot of the country's by Blabbering there holy laws all over the royal familie's

Now we're still here, Islam being only 1500- and less years old. People still die over a religion made by men.

But yes, Soon you will see for yourself that other Race's and planets are very close. It is all being Disclosured slowly. Such as the British records of UFO accounts that are now being publicly released with solid material'd pictures Unedited with any Software that are real comfirming other Specie's. Some are Humans, Testing there UFO Aircrafts. Some are other Race's just scouting are small skys.

Yes, there is intelligent alien life out there. I just wrote a really long, detailed, and factual answer to this, but I accidentally hit the back button and deleted the entire post. I'll try to summarize again. The universe is too vast for most people to comprehend. Consider that there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth! 

Many of those stars are so far away that by the time the light from them reaches our eyes, billions of years have passed, and the star no longer exists! It takes 8 minutes for our sun's light to reach us. Our sun is 8 light minutes away, and other "suns" are billions of light years away. The scale is unimaginable. 

It would actually take us 100,000 years at our fastest speeds to get to the closest star. There are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy, and hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe. 

So even if only 1% of those other stars have Earth-like planets, that's still billions of planets that probably did, or will have, or do have life

That's not even starting to consider the argument that we humans can only imagine other "carbon-based" organisms. But its possible that alien life could have emerged from silicon, which might not require an Earth-like planet. 

So let's agree that aliens probably exist. Now my other assertion is that it is almost certain that we'll never encounter them (again because of the vastness of the universe). Assuming these intelligent aliens could travel the speed of light, they would still have to travel for billions of years just to reaching us (assuming they head in our direction).

Let's also consider that we humans have evolved to this point in a blink of an eye on an evolutionary timescale, especially considering the age of the universe. 

So the aliens would have to encounter earth right on time.

It would be like driving a car from San Francisco to New York, and trying to time it up to meet with someone who is only in New York for 3 seconds, and you don't know when. So I agree that it is possible that these aliens are super intelligent compared to us. 

I mean, what could we accomplish with another million years under our belt? But even in the incredibly remote chance that these super intelligent aliens could find us today, they wouldn't let us accidentally see them. 

Their technology would have to be so far beyond anything we could comprehend. 

As a prominent author stated, it would be like putting an early hominid/neanderthal in the middle of NYC and giving him an I-Phone and a wireless laptop. To him we would appear God-like. And we're not that far apart time-wise.

I also want to mention that if we were to encounter some proof of intelligent life out there. It is most likely to come from an "interstellar robot". Aliens will be smart enough (like we are) to realize that they won't be able to travel to other galaxies, or even solar systems. Even if they could, how do they decide which way has the best odds of finding life? So they'll send out robot probes, that will carry messages more efficiently and faster than they can (without risking their own lives). I doubt it will happen to us, but if we ever do encounter evidence of intelligent life, it won't be the actual alien, but a contructed non-living representative of the alien


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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